RESIT COURSEWORK Title: “How megatrends in international production are likely t


“How megatrends in international production are likely to influence the future international strategies of multinational corporations in the [Your Chosen Industry] industry”
Research Question:
“Which one of UNCTAD’s four strategic responses is likely to predominate amongst multinational corporations in your chosen industry as a consequence of contemporary global megatrends?”
Structure of the Report:
Cover Page:
Title of your report
Your student ID number
Word count
Module Code and Module Title (INS411 International Management and Global Institutions)
Table of Contents
Introduction (Around 500 words):
Purpose, aims, and objectives of the report
Descriiption of the approach taken for the task
Overview of the report structure
State the focal industry and explain why you have chosen it
Summary of key findings
Definition and Descriiption of Global Value Chains (GVCs) (Around 500 words):
Define GVCs
Brief explanation of why GVCs proliferated in the 1990s and early 2000s
Discuss the megatrends that slowed down globalization
Internalization Theory and Dunning’s OLI Paradigm (Around 500 words):
Explain why MNCs use equity-based methods and non-equity modes (NEMs) in GVCs
Link discussion to the ‘governance’ dimension of the GVC
Megatrends and Their Influence on GVCs (Around 1000 words):
Analyze how recent technological advancements, national and regional policy developments, sustainability issues, future pandemic risks, the conflict in Ukraine, and growing geopolitical tensions influence GVC length, geographical distribution, and governance
Discuss other relevant recent trends in the global political economy
GVC Activities and Regional Distribution (Around 500 words):
Analyze which activities in the GVC should be located in particular regions and why
Key activities to consider: research and development (R&D), manufacturing, and sales
Link discussion to the ‘geographical spread’ dimension of the GVC
Strategic Responses of MNCs (Around 500 words):
Discuss which strategic response (reshoring, diversification, regionalization, or replication) is likely to dominate in your chosen industry and why
Conclusion (Around 500 words):
Summarize the main findings of your analysis
State which strategic response is likely to predominate and why
Emphasize the key takeaways from the report
Bibliography/List of References:
Use APA or Chicago referencing style
List all information sources used
Word Limit: 4000 words (excluding table of contents, abstract/executive summary, tables, figures, appendices, and bibliography/list of references)
Font Size: 12
Line Spacing: 1.5
File Name: INS411_report_your student ID number.docx
Submission: Submit via the module area on the Learning Mall Core.
Important Points:
Penalty for exceeding word count: 2 percentage points for every 10% increment above 4000 words.
Check online submissions to ensure successful upload.
Ensure adherence to good academic practice and integrity to avoid penalties.
Run a spell check and grammar check before submission.
Use Turnitin to check for plagiarism before final submission.


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