Please complete Assignment 1 directly after completing Section 1. This assignmen


Please complete Assignment 1 directly after completing Section 1. This assignment focuses on finding relevant information about a population or heath issue within either a community with whom you currently work or with whom you expect to work in the future. The aim is to understand the relationship of community health concepts to a current situation as well as to consider the role of a registered nurse in addressing this topic.
In this paper, you find a newspaper article from the last 6 months that focused on a current situation, issue, policy, or success story that has an impact on a particular community’s health. From there, you provide a brief synopsis of the news story (think 2–4 sentences), then outline how it relates to a community health concept and the role of a registered nurse.
We recommend that you find a local article from your city or province of practice.
The critical analysis must include the following:
Identify the topic and context of the paper clearly.
Engage the reader.
Choose a news article
Choose a recent (within the last 6 months) and relevant article from a reputable source.
Attach a copy of the newspaper article to the paper (use a PDF, picture, word document, or hyperlink).
Write a brief summary of the news article
Write a clear and concise summary of the central points in the article.
Write no more than 200 words.
Include an overview of how the news article relates to a selected community health concept (choose one)
Include a concept such as health promotion, primary health care, population health, epidemiology, health equity, or social justice
Confirm with your tutor before choosing any health concept beyond the above list.
Outline the role of the community health nurse (CHN) in relation to the selected community health concept, and discuss how they can be integrate this concept into their practice.
Summarize clearly the main ideas in the paper.
Include thoughtful reflections.
Include recent supporting evidence (3–4 scholarly resources).
**Note: Include the Stamler et al. (2020) text as one reference if it is relevant to your concept.
The critical analysis must include the following
1. Introduction
2. News article
3. Brief summary of the news article
4. Overview of how the news article relates to a selected health concept (choose one)
5. Include a concept such as health promotion, primary health care, population health, epidemiology, health equity, or social justice.
6. Outline the role of the community health nurse (CHN) in relation to the selected community health concept and discuss how they can integrate this concept into their practice
7. Conclusion


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