Steps for Task 1 Here’s a summary of what needs to be completed: Create a Timeli


Steps for Task 1
Here’s a summary of what needs to be completed:
Create a Timeline: Outline the UX design activities that will take place during the project, fitting within a one-month timeframe.
Create a Persona Profile: Based on the “Survey Results” and “About the Island” documents, develop a persona that represents a typical user of the website.
Create a Low-Fidelity Wireframe: Design a basic wireframe showing the suggested flow and structure of the new website.
Conduct Guerrilla Usability Testing: Get feedback from at least three users, summarize the actionable and relevant feedback, and explain how you’ll incorporate it into your design.
Create an Interactive Prototype: Build an interactive prototype based on the wireframe and usability feedback, to be submitted as a URL link.
List Usability Tasks: Define five objective tasks that you want users to test in the p
Steps for Task 2
Submit Your Prototype:Fill Out the Usability Prototype Submission Form: You need to submit the URL to your prototype along with the five objective usability tasks you created in Task 1. The submission form is located on the “Prototype and Peer Review Dashboard.”
Conduct Peer Reviews:Select Three Peers: After submitting your prototype, choose three peers’ prototypes from the “D479 Usability Prototype Submission Report” table on the dashboard. You’ll need to review their prototypes and answer their usability task questions through a Panopto video.
Record Panopto Reviews: For each peer, record a Panopto video that reviews their prototype and addresses the usability tasks they provided.
Submit Peer Review Links:Submit Panopto URLs: After recording each peer review, you need to submit the Panopto URL for each review back on the dashboard.
Check Submissions: Ensure that your peer reviews appear in the “Completed Peer Reviews – By Peer Reviewer” table on the dashboard.
Complete the Task 2 Template:Fill out the D479 Task 2 Template document with all the required information, including your prototype link, your five usability tasks, and the Panopto review links for both the reviews you conducted and those conducted by your peers.
Information to Fill Out
Your Prototype Link: URL link to your prototype.
Five Objective Usability Tasks: The tasks that users will perform to test the usability of your prototype.
Completed Peer Reviews:Review 1, 2, 3: Include the name of the prototype owner and the Panopto review link you created for each.
Peer Reviews of Your Prototype:Review 1, 2, 3: Include the name of the peer reviewer and their Panopto review link for your prototype.


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