Please outline each section Healthcare providers at Oxford Nursing Home (P) , w


Please outline each section
Healthcare providers at Oxford Nursing Home (P) , will an evidence-based implementation on improving Job satisfaction among health care providers at Oxford Nursing Home(I) , reduce burnout rate and turnover rate (O) over a period of 12 weeks ?
Current and Future State Comparison and Measurable Outcomes
• Compare the current state (40% turnover, staff do not stay up to 6 months)in the organization to the desired future state(Improvement).
o Refine and include your previous descriiption of current activities, including information on departments or teams involved, a history of each activity’s success, and how they relate to initiatives, policies, or strategic plans.
o Describe desired future state activities, highlighting the positive changes in roles, teams, tools, processes, and other improvements when anticipated success is achieved.
o Describe improvements as they relate to success in the population, initiatives, policies, or strategic plans and the prevention of negative consequences related to the challenge.
o Compare current state baseline measures to desired future state measures of success.
• Identify anticipated outcomes for one best evidence-based improvement intervention.
o Describe the primary outcome and any others that will be analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the improvement intervention.
• Identify additional anticipated outcomes for the desired future state.
o Describe outcomes that illustrate successful progress toward improved activities in the desired future state.
o Describe outcomes related to improvements in the population, initiatives, policies, or strategic plans and prevented negative consequences.
• Define SMART objectives for each identified measurable outcome.
o Develop a smart objective based on your PICOT question.
o Develop smart objectives for each additional outcome you identified.
o .
o Describe how each objective relates to the project’s PICOT question elements.
• Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.


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