Submit with 2 files: your written report (in Word) and your Excel software file.


Submit with 2 files: your written report (in Word) and your Excel software file.
NOTE: USE EXCEL SOFTWARE FOR THIS REPORT A data dictionary file and the following datasets (as .csv files) that contain sample data generated using quota, systematic, simple random, and stratified sampling, see section c. below. You will also have to access the original population dataset cleansed_listings_dec_18.csv from the source, see section a. and section e. below.
Create a report and include your response to the following questions:
a. Access the data file cleansed_listings_dec_18.csv. You will initially be downloading a zip folder from the Melbourne Airbnb Open Data project on Kaggle.…
Browse over the columns and comment on which variables appear to be the most useful in terms of insights into current listings. Document that in your report. (150 words) – USE dataset cleansed_listings_dec_18.csv
b. Access the sampled data sets is GIVEN BELOW. Choose a number of different variables, as in part (a), then for each of the sampled datasets create summary statistics for each of those variables. That is, make sure that the selected variables are the same for each of the four datasets and document them in your report. (300 words) – USE Sample data file
c. Interpret and compare the results of the summary stats across all four sample datasets. What conclusions can you draw from the comparison. Document your findings in your report. (500 words)
d. Repeat the above for the original dataset cleansed_listings_dec_18.csv. Explain with statistical examples which sampling method summary stats (across all chosen variables) were nearest in value to the original dataset summary stats. USE dataset cleansed_listings_dec_18.csv
Explain the variations in your report and include the supporting data.
Explain possible ethical issues that could occur from the use of sampled data. Briefly evaluate the software that you have used to produce the summaries. (500 words)


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