Topic: Regulating Autonomous Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities – Explore th


Topic: Regulating Autonomous Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities – Explore the legal challenges in regulating self-driving cars, including liability issues, safety standards, and the impact on existing traffic laws.
Please find below (1) dissertation guidelines, a reminder of the deadline, and an example of a good dissertation. You’ll also find (2) some notes from the session as well as key sources.
1 – Dissertation guidelines
Please, see below some topics examples from last year that I had validated with students. I hope this could help you find a topic, should you have no idea at all !
• Tomorrow’s technology and today’s regulation – a twain that never meets ?
• Can data protection laws in the EU enhance the development of new technologies ?
• Do European data protection laws prevent new technologies from being created ?
• Legal challenges when contractualizing AI in Brazil
• Smart contracts and financial regulations
• AI law and surveillance
• The GDPR vs Blockchain
• Policies and regulatory challenges to AI
• Data Protection in UAE & Gulf Cooperation Council Regulations
• How will AI affect legal practice?
• Legal liability issues and regulation of Artificial Intelligence
• The Criminal Liability of Artificial Intelligence Entities
• Is there any use of Artificial Intelligence in Politics/ International relations?
This is just a list for you to have a global idea of topics that could be covered, but please, feel free to propose another one.
Re criteria of a good dissertation, the dissertation must be a substantial scholarly work of a quality and length akin to a law review article (at least 8 pages), that follows the below guidance:
Re the Introduction
· Please identify the dissertation subject and include a hook that captures the reader’s interest and articulates the scope of the dissertation.
· Please describe the overall argument.
· Please clarify fundamental concepts to the extent necessary.
· Please summarizes the paper’s structure in a roadmap.
Re the content, the student’s dissertation is evaluated on the basis of the following elements:
· Issue Statement : please identify a problem and provide a constructive analysis of it.
· Legal Significance : please present a subject that is novel, not obvious, and useful to the audience.
· Persuasive Argument: The argument in support of the thesis is clear, logical, and sustained throughout the document. Please make connections to broader related issues, without tangents or distractions (e.g., comparative law for instance between the UAE and EU where relevant).
· Balance : please offer a proposition and give sufficient weight to opposing views and countervailing considerations, by: taking problems and turning them to your advantage; addressing implications such as resources and policy matters; acknowledging tradeoffs as necessary.
· Structure: please structure the parts of your dissertation in a logical order; coherently connect sections and use transitions to effect good flow throughout.
Re the conclusion,
· Please re-state the thesis; provide insightful observations and conclusions (for example, by discussing the future implications of the dissertation or by providing forward looking recommendations); avoid introducing new, confusing information or propositions.
Re the format, I would appreciate you to follow this structure:
· Word-formatted
· Times New Roman (12 pt.)
· Double-spaced text
· 1.5 inches left margins
· 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, and right
· Footnotes with endnotes
· No blank pages
· Page numbering
2 – Key notes of the lecture are attached to this email as well.
3 – Some of you had difficulties to find the GDPR and Draft AI Regulation:
Leaked final version of the EU AI Act:
US Biden AI Executive Orders:
US OMB Guidance on AI:


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