Assignement Discussion 2.1 Challenges of a CIO Facilitating hybrid working envir


Assignement Discussion 2.1 Challenges of a CIO
Facilitating hybrid working environments and ensuring skills match for future success top the list of challenging, ongoing issues IT leaders must navigate. Read the article by Paul Heltzel (2022), Top 7 challenges IT leaders will face in 2022 on []If possible, talk to someone who works in a mid to large size organization about the challenges their organization faces with respect to IT infrastructure, use, availability, support, training, etc.,Based on your reading, discussion and personal experience/observations comment on:
What technology challenges will a future CIO need to focus on?
Explain your reasons for selecting this challenge.
Provide at least one reference to support your post.In your response post, comment on whether you agree or disagree with your classmates, raise relevant questions, and share additional resources.Initial Post (200 – 300 words): Due Friday @ 11:59 pmResponse Posts (at least two; each 75 – 100 words) and Summary Post: Due Tuesday @ 11:59 pmIf citations are included in your post, include references using APA style.Guidelines for Online DiscussionsGrading Criteria
Initial post (50%)Posted on time and to required length. Addresses the topic of the discussion. Provides personal insights, thoughtful reflection, supporting examples and references. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Response post (30%)Responds to 2 or more students. Responses provide additional insights and/or raise questions that require reflection. Shares multiple points of view. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Summary post (10%) Provides meaningful summary and response. Demonstrates reflection and further analysis. Supports statements with citations and references.
Grammar and mechanics (10%)No spelling or grammatical errors. Clearly and succinctly expressed thoughts.
Assignment 2.1 The Importance of the Chief Executives and Chief Information Officer (CIO) Relationship File attched and name: IST5150Assignment2_1ChiefExecutiveCareers
Too often, there are wide communication gaps between a company’s chief executives. It is essential, however, for the executive team to develop a close working relationship. With an effective communication strategy and integral strategic development planning structures, the executives can work together to increase profits, stay on the same course to reach company goals, and maintain the company’s computer services for the betterment of the whole company.Instructions
Research the various chief executive roles identify the responsibilities and challenges of the position.
Complete the attached Chief Executive Careers file (MS Word) with the information from your research.
Identify ways the Chief Information Officer (CIO) can assist the other chief executives to overcome information management challenges.
Provide a list of references you consulted to complete this assignment.
Please check your assignment before submitting. Ensure that:There are no spelling errors.
Sentences are grammatically correct.
There are no word contractions such as can’t and won’t.
You have used complete sentences and good sentence structure.
Submit your assignment in an Adobe PDF or MS Word file format. Grading Criteria
Identification of responsibilities (30%)
Challenges of the roles (30%)
Research and analysis (10%)
References (5%)
Critical & creative thinking skills (15%)
Language, grammar, mechanics (10%)
Assignmnet Reflection 2.1 What Would You Do Reflect on the topics we have covered this week and respond to the following questions (between 100 to 200 words per question). (note just a learning video from class)Why would Carl Williams ask a non-technical Manager to assume the CIO position?
If you were Jim Barton, would you take the job?
Why do you think Davies got fired? How likely is it that Barton will be fired within the year?
What questions should Barton ask CIOs, analysts, investors, customers, and other IT movers and shakers?
How should he prioritize and organize these meetings?
What depth of IT understanding must a CIO leader have to be effective?
Submit your Reflections in an Adobe PDF or MS Word file format. Grading Criteria
Research (10%)
Reflection & application (40%)
Communication & expression (40%)
Language, grammar, mechanics (10%)


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