All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly for


 All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring. 
 You are applying for a job at a nearby medical facility, and part of the application process is to respond to questions about yourself and your perspective as a nurse leader. You may choose to present your responses in audio only, audio and video, or slide presentation. If you choose either audio or video recordings, your presentation should be 3-5 minutes in length. If you choose to prepare slides, you should use PowerPoint or another slide-based software. Your presentation should be 5–7 slides long.
In your submission, you should address the following prompts:
Introduce yourself and describe your current job situation.
Explain the role of ethics in nursing and why is it so critical in the nursing field as opposed to other fields.
Explain evidence-based practice and why it is so critical in nursing.
Explain the Magnet model and how it has impacted nursing either positively, negatively, or both.
Introduce yourself and describe your current job situation.
Explain the role of ethics in nursing and why is it so critical in the nursing field as opposed to other fields.
Explain evidence-based practice and why it is so critical in nursing.
Explain the Magnet model and how it has impacted nursing either positively, negatively, or both.
Attached Rubric.


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