You are to read Book 1 of Musashi titled “Earth”. You are only to read book 1 fo


You are to read Book 1 of Musashi titled “Earth”. You are only to read book 1 for this summer reading. Use times new roman in font size 12 All paragraphs must have 1 piece of textual evidence in MLA format intext citation (Author’s last Name and Page Number) For example, “Otsu, they told me you saw Takezo. Is that true?” (Yoshikawa 45) Part 1: Character Development is one the key elements of story telling. For this assignment, you are going to follow along with the cast of characters and answer how these characters developed throughout the book. The 4 characters we are looking at are Takezo, Matahachi, Otsu, and Akemi. (4 Paragraphs: 1 for each character) Part 2: How did Oko, Takuan, and Osugi influence at least ONE of the characters listed above. (3 Paragraphs: 1 for each character) Part 3: What is the significance of the change from Takezo to Musashi at the end of the story? (1 Paragraph with two pieces of textual evidence showing the difference between Takezo and Musahsi) Please separate all paragraphs with numbers there is a total of 8. Please don’t copy and paste only the in text citations that the assignment asks for. Please read instructions. This assignment will be passed through Turn It In. Thank you!


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