Final Project Comprehensive Behavior Modification and Evaluation Plan Length Req


Final Project
Comprehensive Behavior Modification and Evaluation Plan
Length Requirement: 8-10 pages, APA format 7.
Requirements: 10 pages
Brief presentation of the chosen case, and work in general
For example, define what behavior modification is, the behavior problem,
Briefly present the chosen case and the type of business, clinical, educational or any other.
Brief Background of the Customer or Environment and Problem Behavior
Present the client or environment with a brief description of who they are, their attitudes, background, and their current presentation.
Enter a detailed description of the problem behavior.
A Behavior Modification Plan
A plan that contains a behavior modification scenario within that environment for that client (Design a detailed problem behavior modification plan using the techniques of one of three types of behavior theories (operant, classical, or observational learning) or even a combination of 2.) Remember to incorporate knowledge from tasks 1, 2, and 3. Your plan should describe the stages of the behavior modification plan and the practical intervention techniques to use. In addition to explaining why he decided to take these techniques or theory and not another.
Plan Evaluation and Feedback
Predict the outcomes of implementing this plan and describe methods for measuring its effectiveness over time. Propose modifications based on hypothetical feedback and results.
Summary of the plan carried out explaining the main points of the work.
References (1 page only)
Include power point presentation 7 slide With the most important part of the project .
Note: The University is reviewing all documents and expelling students who comment on plagiarism and that their assignments contain AI content


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