1. Questions to consider: What did I learn from this article? What did I agree w


1. Questions to consider: What did I learn from this article? What did I agree with? What did I disagree with? What questions and thoughts did this article bring up for me? What biases and assumptions did this article bring up in me and/or challenge in me? What did I like about this article? What did I not like about this article? How is this information useful to me? Writing Requirements: Reflection papers need to be double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Reflection papers must be at least one full page and no more than two pages. You are allowed to do up to two reflection papers. One point will be awarded for each paper. In order to earn a full point, papers must adhere to the writing requirements listed above and show in-depth reflection. Students should provide evidence of gaining knowledge and making sense of new information.
(seeking support attachment for #1)
2. Watch Boys Don’t Cry and write 1 page reflection. Please seperate these 2 documents


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