The survey: The target population for the quantitative research consists of cons


The survey: The target population for the quantitative research consists of consumers who engage with advertising and make purchasing decisions across various product categories. This broad category ensures that the study captures a diverse range of consumer behaviors and preferences. A total of 50 respondents will be selected to participate in the quantitative survey. This sample size is chosen to ensure statistical significance and generalizability of the findings. Its sampling technique involves Stratified Random Sampling, which is to ensure that the sample is representative of the broader population, stratified random sampling will be used. This method involves dividing the population into subgroups (strata) based on key demographic variables such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location. Participants will then be randomly selected from each stratum. The age of the participants will be grouped into age brackets (e.g., 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+), the gender selections will be both male and female participants which will be included, their income Level will be Participants from various income levels will be selected to understand how emotional marketing impacts consumers with different purchasing power and their geographic Location will be capturing regional differences, participants from urban, suburban, and rural areas will be included. Software: • SPSS will be used to process and analyse the quantitative data. Descriptive Statistics: • Purpose: To summarize the data and understand the distribution of variables. • Metrics: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and frequency distributions. Inferential Statistics: • Regression Analysis: To examine the relationship between emotional appeals and consumer decision-making. • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance): To compare the effects of different types of emotional appeals on consumer preferences. • Hypothesis Testing: To test the hypotheses developed based on the research objectives. The quantitative research design, involving structured surveys and controlled experiments, aims to provide robust, measurable insights into the impact of emotional marketing on consumer choices and brand preferences. This design allows for rigorous statistical analysis and the ability to generalize findings to a broader population. By integrating these quantitative methods with qualitative approaches, the research ensures a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of how emotional marketing influences consumer behavior.


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