After completing various career assessments, please complete a 100-word discussi


After completing various career assessments, please complete a 100-word discussion about if your personality strengths/values cater to the career/major that you have chosen.
Read another student’s post and make a comment.
Here is a sample written in about 100 words:
Based on the NERIS Type Explorer Personality assessment, I am a judging type which means that I prefer to be orderly and organized. I know that this is true because I can only feel relaxed when my things are orderly and organized. I plan my work and think about priorities when managing my time which helps me to accomplish my goals. I would like to be an Elementary school teacher and my judging personality type will help me to stay organized and on track with thirty, 6 years old children. I can plan out the daily lessons so that I can relax and have fun. I have met some opposite types in my lifetime and try to appreciate their differences. I have found that perceptive types can usually introduce an element of fun in the situation, and they motivate me to be a little more spontaneous at times. I plan to transfer to SDSU with Liberal Studies major to pursue my career and Elementary Teacher.


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