NO AI WORK AT ALLLLL PLEASE!!!!!! For this assignment you will research a CT pr


NO AI WORK AT ALLLLL PLEASE!!!!!! For this assignment you will research a CT procedure and present it as a power point. A power point template is attached which outlines the information needed for this presentation including: patient population, disease process, symptoms, lab work, types of contrast, IV site, previous exams, diagnosis and treatment, and images.
Case Study Rubric.pdf
Pick from 1 of the 3 following CT Case Study Scenarios. CT Angiogram of the head and neck in the setting of acute stroke CT of the chest for suspected pulmonary embolus CT of the abdomen and pelvis to rule out appendicitis You are just creating a PowerPoint. You do not need to record a presentation. Please see the attached rubric. Check the rubric and the template attached for a better understanding of the assignment and its requirements!


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