In 200 words minimum What were the highlights and take aways of ALL the readings


In 200 words minimum What were the highlights and take aways of ALL the readings, discussions, film(s), and lectures below? What did you learn this week? How does this connect with current events? Support your argument with good evidence. Assertions without credible data or citations from the assigned readings to support claim will not earn points. Follow the Sample Post your 200 words minimum or your Vlog in our discussion board and submit this assignment here to earn credits. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL RECEIVE 2 POINTS DEDUCTION PER DAY. The story we tell: Race–power of an illusion Ghost Dance Residential School Experience to an external site._ link: Readings: Ron Takaki, pp. 79-105 (Chapter 4) “A Different Mirror” Ron Takaki, pp. 106-138 (Chapter 5) Ron Takaki pp. 225-245 (Chapter 9) Howard Zinn, pp 10-18 “A People’s History of American Empire” Howard Zinn, pp.187-192 Steven Crum, Rare Exceptions: Some University Professors and the Teaching of Native American History, 1900-1970 pp. 153-173


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