COURSE : international negotiations Assignment desсrіption : this course will b


COURSE : international negotiations Assignment desсrіption : this course will be a portfolio with three main sections, totalling about 1,500 words of writing. This assessment has been designed so that you will progress on completing it alongside the course itself We set you up for success from the beginning by providing you with a measurement criteria document. Please find this under Modules at ( attached) This document clearly outlines what we will be measuring you against so that you can be proactive from the start about applying what you are learning and making notes about your progress as you go, saving the last minute assignment stress!
Please note that self-reflection rarely resembles bragging, and the reflective components of this assignment will be evaluated for the rigour and detail of your reflections rather than ″getting everything right″ the first time around – so please be honest and specific. You can use the reflective writing guidelines video to structure your assignment. ( video will be sent) Part 1: Goals (400 words)
For this section of your assessment, please write about your progress towards your personal goals in this course. What goal did you set at the beginning of the course, and what progress did you make towards such? How will you continue to take this development forward?
The purpose of this component is to identify your growth in this course and think critically about your engagement before, during and after the elective.
Part 2: Reflections (600 words)
Summarise and analyse your participation in each of the experiential exercises in class. Please describe the role you played, and how your contribution functioned alongside those of your teammates. What did you learn about yourself? What was challenging and why? What did you enjoy? etc
Part 3: Theory (500 words)
In this section, you are to demonstrate your proficiency with the application of the negotiation theories utilised in the course, namely Voss, Fisher & Ury, and Emotional Intelligence. Please briefly describe the key aspects of these theories, their strengths and limitations, and any tensions between them. Please refer to your work on the Measurements for experientials (cited above) to cite specific examples that reflect how you have applied the theory in real practice.


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