Health Care Policy Analysis A health care policy analysis (HPA) is a specific pr


Health Care Policy Analysis
A health care policy analysis (HPA) is a specific process that helps policymakers identified potential policy options that could alleviate issues brought up by the American populace.
For this assignment, you will conduct a health care policy analysis based on the following video and create a policy that addresses the issues presented by the author.
Video: How America’s Opioid Crisis Spiraled Out of Control
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Your assignment will include the following components and answers to the questions indicated in each section:
Problem Identification
What is the problem(s) you are trying to address?
Policy Options
Identify a minimum of three possible solutions to the identified problem.
Why did you choose these solutions to address the problem?
Which one of these options will you choose to turn into a policy?
Why were the other two options not chosen?
What is the name of your policy? Provide a brief overview of the key components of the policy.
Framing Questions
What level of government or institution will implement the policy?
How does the policy work/operate? For example, will it be mandatory? How will it be funded?
What are the policy’s objectives?
How does the policy address the identified issue?
What population(s) will benefit?
Who are the stakeholders, including supporters and opponents?
What are the potential impacts of the policy on other sectors and high priority issues (e.g., sustainability, economic impact)?
How much time will be needed for the policy to be enacted, implemented, and enforced?
From a budgetary perspective, what will be the costs and benefits associated with the policy?
How do costs compare to benefits (e.g., cost-savings, costs averted, ROI, cost effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis, and so on)?
Your assignment should be a minimum of five pages in length and should include a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement).
To support your discussion, include a minimum of three sources, at least one of which must be from the CSU Online Library.
References and citations must be provided using APA Style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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