Assignment Instructions and Expectations: Professional counselors need to practi


Assignment Instructions and Expectations: Professional counselors need to practice self-awareness and self-reflection. Students will use the PDCA-R (available in Blackboard) to assess their dispositions and behaviors. Start with the middle column (“Meets Expectation”) and score yourself higher or lower based on evidence you have demonstrated this semester. You will upload the assessment with your paper in Blackboard. After completing your assessment, write a 6-8 page paper including the guidelines below. Guidelines: • 6-8 page paper (not including title page and references) • Your paper must include introduction (with a thesis statement) and conclusion paragraphs. The body of the paper should include about 10-12 paragraphs. • Use at a total of 10 sources: o 2 required sources: ▪ The MSJCC article (see Ratts et al., 2016) ▪ Your textbook o 8 peer-reviewed journal articles from the past ten years of your choice. • In your paper, address the following prompts and integrate your research: o There are ten disposition categories in the PDCA-R: conscientiousness, coping and self-care, openness, cooperativeness, moral reasoning, interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity, self-awareness, emotional stability, and ethical behavior. ▪ Identify 2 dispositions that you view as personal strengths as well as 2 that are growth areas. Emotional stability and cultural sensitivity for areas of growth and both ethical behavior and coping and self care for strengths. ▪ Provide evidence from this semester that supports your score. Please see the attached document PDCA for results. o In your textbook, Gladding (2018) identifies dysfunctional motivators for becoming a counselor (p. 6). ▪ Discuss 2 of your motivations for becoming a counselor. What has influenced these motivations? 1.Empathy and understanding 2. Ability to listen ▪ Discuss 2 dysfunctional motivator that you want to monitor or be mindful of how it could develop. How could these dysfunctional motivators impact the counseling relationship? 1.Emotional distress and 2. Vicarious Coping o How comfortable are you with receiving feedback? Pretty good ▪ If you struggled to integrate feedback, reflect on why that might be and how you can overcome that barrier in the future. ▪ Provide at least 2 examples of how you integrated or struggled to integrate feedback. 1. Double checking intext citations and the reference page for APA format 2. being sure not to be repetitive. I would double check my reference page and make sure that it follows the APA guidelines. I would also double check the spelling and grammar for errors up until the final due date. o What have you learned about yourself as a student or as a future counselor? What have you learned about the field? I


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