For this assignment, you will add to your edited work from the previous assignme


For this assignment, you will add to your edited work from the previous assignments. In other words, take the assignments you handed in for the “Identifying of a Problem of Practice” and the “Background of the Problem of Practice” and make the corrections based on any feedback that was provided for you and add this assignment to it. In this assignment, you are to use research to come up with possible solutions to your problem of practice. If you decide that using either federal, state, or local government dollars is an appropriate avenue to assist with providing one of your solutions, you MUST NOT raise taxes. You need to look at those government budgets and decide what area could be cut in order to get the dollars you need for your solution and report that. Since this is a continuation of the previous assignments, you are still required to use APA compliance and write with proper grammar, mechanics, and spelling while writing in a professional manner. DO NOT USE THE WORD “I”!!!! This is about a serious problem or issue in your field, it is not about you. Kindly submit your assignment to the green link above on the right upper corner of this page. Your work will be graded by a rubric, so you may wish to look at it first.


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