I have attached the activity report assignment on here. For Report 1, students w


I have attached the activity report assignment on here.
For Report 1, students will visit a site from one of the following traditions:
Report Format
Reports must be typed. I have made an effort to send the file via email. Therefore you can download it onto your computer, type in your report on the form provided, and then upload it on the required date. Grammar, spelling, etc. Although the content of your report will furnish the primary basis for evaluation, other grading criteria will include: correctness of grammar, spelling punctuation, capitalization; appropriate language; adherence to these guidelines; etc. Acceptable punctuation and capitalization will follow the guidelines given in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Reports with excessive shortcomings in these areas may be refused, or given a grade of “D” or “F,” at the sole discretion of the instructor. Students who desire assistance with their report-writing are encouraged to utilize the Learning Skills Center on campus.
Quotations and Other References. These activity reports are intended to be “field-research” reports rather than “library-research” reports. With that in mind, references to published resources should be used sparingly and only to support and clarify the discussion of what you saw, heard, and experienced during your site visits. Nonetheless, when you do quote or summarize any material from the texts, brochures, or any other relevant source, you will need to cite the source (author, title, publisher, date of publication, website, etc.) and the page numbers of the specific passages cited, either in an endnote or in parentheses. By doing this, you will fulfill an important requirement of academic honesty, and you will avoid plagiarism (which is a serious offense).
Preliminary Reading
Please make sure before you visit the religious institution that you read the appropriate reading from the following list. For Hinduism:
Larson, “Hinduism in India and in America,” in Neusner’s World Religions in America, 179-198.
Smith, The World’s Religions, 12-77.
For Buddhism
Eckel, “Buddhism in the World and in America,” in Neusner’s World Religions in America, 199-212.
Ellwood, “East Asian Religions in Today’s America,” in Neusner’s World Religions in America, 213-229.
Smith, The World’s Religions, 82-149.
For Sikhism
Read Sikhism in Noss pages 240-252 (photocopied handout). I attached a link to this.


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