I need to give a presentation to my school psychology internship class explainin


I need to give a presentation to my school psychology internship class explaining how my school district uses the Response to Intervention Process within an MTSS framework to determine whether a child is eligible for special education under the category of Specific Learning Disability (SLD). The first two slides should present the positives of using RTI instead of patterns of strengths and weaknesses (PSW) or discrepancy model to determine eligibility supported by research. The rest of the presentation should explain the process of RTI, what interventions we use, and how RTI is used as one component when conducting a comprehensive evaluation for special education services. The last slide should include a few questions to facilitate a class discussion by soliciting helpful feedback and suggestions from my classmates. The presentation should present RTI as a better alternative than PSW or the discrepancy model and should be presented from the vantage point of a school psychologist.
I have attached resources that explain the RTI step-by-step process in the school district, a list of approved interventions, and the state eligibility criteria for SLD.


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