Before starting this discussion, identify an event, conflict, news story, or soc


Before starting this discussion, identify an event, conflict, news story, or social movement which you are interested in learning more about.
Next, identify two resources that give information about your chosen subject matter. One resource should denote bias, and one should be considered credible and non-biased based on your current understanding of what are acceptable and not acceptable resources. 
Lastly, download the CRAAPO Checklist and utilize it to: ( attached pdf)
* Evaluate each resource you chose.
* Assess if the resources are either biased or non-biased and credible.
* Note that you may discover that your findings may differ from your original beliefs about them. That is okay and an opportunity to continue your development in identifying reliable sources. 
* Lastly, post your assessment of your resources in the forum, including your explanation for “why” or “why not” each resource is credible vs. biased. It is important in your evaluation to acknowledge that no person is free of all bias and no person is flawlessly objective. Include the link to your resources or attach your discussion so your peers can evaluate your findings to gain more experience in this process.
* You must post on this forum to continue into Week 3. The process of identifying non-biased sources can be difficult. Hence, just try your best. 
* Be sure to post your resources in APA format


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