When computing descriiptive statistics, there may be times where the researcher


When computing descriiptive statistics, there may be times where the researcher needs to organize the data into two or more groups to compare the statistics concerning the groups. Although there are many ways to separate the data in SPSS, the Explore command is an easy method to separate the data and make common calculations. For more information about the Explore feature, review Section 21.4 in Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh.
Use the Explore command to compare the income levels (rincdol) for both genders (sex). Go to the Books & Resources tab to download the files that you will need to complete your assignments each week. Open gss.sav in SPSS, and complete the following calculations to determine the differences in the income level between males and females.
Compute the following for each group:
Standard deviation
The Explore command will also produce several different types of plots. Click on the Plots button, and create the following plots for each group:
Histograms (include the normal curve on the histogram)
Box plots
Stem-and-leaf plots
Use the calculations and plots to answer the questions below. When discussing a calculation, include the value in the text to bolster your analysis.
What can you determine from the measures of skewness and kurtosis relative to a normal curve?
What are the mean and median?
Does the mean or median seem better to represent the scores? How have extreme scores impacted these values?
Submit your output from all SPSS analysis as an SPSS output file as well as your Word document.


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