YOUR TASK: In an intelligent and thoughtful 1+3 document, you must read and anal


YOUR TASK: In an intelligent and thoughtful 1+3 document, you must read and analyze ONE poem or ONE short story from the packet provided in this assignment (visible once you begin the “quiz”). You will need to find a key theme that you believe the author is trying to convey to his/her/their readers, and then give three subpoints in support of that theme. Your main claim will be expressed in your thesis statement, and your three subpoints will be developed into medium-length body paragraphs. The four provided works (two short stories and two poems) have been selected specifically so that you can analyze them and find something to say about them in a short amount of time (TWO HOURS, max). NOTE: A 1+3 document is NOT an essay. It does not have an introduction or a conclusion (though if you want to include them, you can). Instead, it is a thesis sentence stating your claim (what theme you believe the author is trying to teach to his/her/their readers), followed by three paragraphs, each stating one subtopic of that theme.
What you should do before writing your document:
• Select the POEM or SHORT STORY you will be analyzing in your writing.
• Decide on the analytical argument you will make, which will be expressed in your thesis statement.
• Plan out your three or four body paragraphs, deciding on your three or four main points and then creating a skeletal outline if you wish.
• Select quotations/evidence from the work to support your discussion and include them on your outline for easy reference. You MUST quote in your document in multiple paragraphs to support your argument/analysis.


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