WEIGHT: 60% of your final grade for this course (30% per question). DIRECTIONS:


WEIGHT: 60% of your final grade for this course (30% per question).
For this assignment, you will select TWO of the scholarly articles from the list below. For each of your articles, you must clearly provide/answer ALL the following questions: 1. Clearly identify the author’s argument. 2. What evidence does the author use to support her/his argument? 3. What does the author’s research reveal (directly and/or indirectly) about the relationship between law and society? The format is proper essay-style, 3 – 4 pages (+/- 0.5) PER ARTICLE, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1-inch margins all around, double-spaced with page numbers. SINCE YOU ARE GOING TO ANALYZE TWO ARTICLES, YOUR TOTAL PAGE COUNT WILL BE BETWEEN 6 – 8 PAGES. Kirkland, A. (2008) Think of the Hippopotamus: Rights Consciousness in the Fat Acceptance Movement 42 Law & Society Review 397 – 43. Sarat, A (1990) The Law Is All Over: Power, Resistance and the Legal Consciousness of the Welfare Poor. 2 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 343- 380. 2 Napoleon, V (2001). Extension by number: Colonialism Made Easy. 16 Can Journal of Law & Society. Chambers, L. and Roth, J (2014). Prejudice Unveiled: The Niqab in Court. Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 29:3. Razack, S. (2012). Memorializing Colonial Power: The Death of Frank Paul. Law & Social Inquiry, 4: 908-932. Funke, A, et al “We the North”? Race, Nation, and the Multicultural Politics of Toronto’s First NBA Championship.” Journal of Canadian Studies Volume 56, Number 1, Winter/hiver 2022.


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