Within a minimum 700-word essay, please present a thorough and clear discussion


Within a minimum 700-word essay, please present a thorough and clear discussion of the topic chosen. Be sure to note that you must use APA/MLA format within your essay. You must use in-text citations and provide a reference section. Keep in mind that it is important to continually use in-text citations to adequately back up your points and properly credit your research materials. You will need to use two research resources outside of the required reading. Please note that you are not allowed to use Wikipedia as a research resource. Wikipedia is highly unreliable since anyone may go and post within it!! Please take note of the statement of the Syllabus which states that you are not allowed to directly take passages from the textbook, websites, or other students. This will result in a zero grade. It is not acceptable to take passages from research resources even if you have provided the proper in text citations. Remember, the point of the assignment is to hear from you!! Also, keep in mind that changing a word or two in a sentence is not proper paraphrasing!! Please choose one of the following topics to discuss: Module 10 Topic: The Mill Girls Research the Industrial Revolution in the United States. What key elements had to be in place for a successful industrial revolution to take place? What led to the development of the factory system in Lowell, Massachusetts? Who were the Lowell Girls? Who was Sarah Bagley? What role did she play in the labor rights movement? Read Sarah Bagley to Lily Martin (1846) and answer the following questions: What criticisms does Bagley level against the editors of “Voice of Industry”? What did Bagley mean when she wrote, “He does not want a female department it would conflict with the opinions of the mushroom aristocracy that he seeks to favor, and beside it would not be dignified”? What did Bagley observe regarding a woman’s status and rights within society as well as the workplace? What comments did Bagley make in regard to women’s pay? Why does Bagley feel that her time fighting for the rights of women workers is nearing an end? Module 11 Topic: Alexis de Tocqueville-Please use this as your title. Research Alexis de Tocqueville. Why did he engage in a tour of the United States in 1831? How did the purpose of his trip change as he traveled throughout the country? What were the main points that de Tocqueville made within Democracy within America…Read Alexis de Tocqueville : Why Democratic Nations Show a More Ardent and Enduring Love of Equality Than of Liberty” from Democracy in America, Volume II and answer the following questions: What did de Tocqueville observe in regard to equality and liberty? How was de Tocqueville in a similar mindset in comparison with our founding fathers? What did de Tocqueville mean when he wrote: “A kind of equality may even be established in the political world though there should be no political freedom there. A man may be the equal of all his countrymen save one, who is the master of all without distinction and who selects equally from among them all the agents of his power.” According to de Tocqueville, do freedom and equality necessarily go hand in hand? How does de Tocqueville define political freedom? What warning does de Tocqueville give regarding to an excess of political freedom? What did de Tocqueville mean when he wrote the following: “The evils that freedom sometimes brings with it are immediate; they are apparent to all, and all are more or less affected by them. The evils that extreme equality may produce are slowly disclosed; they creep gradually into the social frame; they are seen only at intervals; and at the moment at which they become most violent, habit already causes them to be no longer felt.”-How is South Carolina a good example? How does de Tocqueville connect what is going on in the United States to what was concurrently happening during the French Revolution? What opinion did de Tocqueville express regarding a single monarch? Module 12 Topic-Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth: Research Frederick Douglass. How was he influential in the Abolitionist Movement? Research Sojourner Truth. How was she influential in the Abolitionist Movement. Read Frederick Douglass’ speech to the American Anti-Slavery Society (1848) found within the Primary Documents Section of Module 12 and answer the following: According to Douglass, what role has music played in the lives of slaves and the abolitionist cause? Research Sojourner Truth. How was she influential in the Abolitionist Movement? How were Douglass and Truth similar? How was Sojourner Truth distinctive? Read Sojourner Truth, Ain’t I a Woman? (1851) and answer the following: What did Truth mean when she stated: “Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that ‘twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon.”? How is Truth’s speech not only a call for abolition but a call for women’s rights?


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