Module 13 Assignment_Semester Reflection and Movie Discussion Assignment Purpose


Module 13 Assignment_Semester Reflection and Movie Discussion
Assignment Purpose:
This movie discussion and semester reflection is a culminating experience for our class of “Introduction to Senior living and Hospitality”. You are going to watch a movie called “The Upside”, and write a reflection discussion post on the topic of “senior living management”, or active aging or the role of hospitality in senior care.
Discussion Structure:
You must use the following subtitles to prepare your discussion post. In addition, you need to reply to at least two other students. (10 points)
Movie Discussion: (30 points)
Learning Point 1
Learning Point 2
Semester Reflection: (30 points)
Direct Quote 1
Direct Quote 2
Detailed Instruction
For the Section of Movie Discussion
Elaborate two learning points from this movie, each in one paragraph. To fully elaborate each learning point, you are suggested to follow the three-step approach: First directly point out your learning point.  Then use the movie plot and details to support and describe your learning point. Lastly, relate your learning point to what you learned in this class and something personal, including your knowledge of the senior living industry, personal experience, or career aspiration. You may use additional sources of information such as industry articles, academic articles, newspapers, videos, surveys, interviews etc to make your discussion fuller.
Here are some potential talking points that may related to the movie, or you can have your own talking points):
Active Aging Perspective and Life Course perspective of aging (Module 3. E.g. Older people, regardless their ability levels, want to and can thrive)
High service quality (Module 10: tangible, responsive, empathy etc)
Safety and security issue in senior care. (Module 11: HR operation; Module 10: Resident relations and health)
Hospitality as a skill and culture in senior care (Module 2)
The difference between hospitality industry and senior care (e.g.The guests in senior care don’t leave, making it even more critical to provide an exemplary level of service. The caregiver is part of the person’s life)
For the Section of Semester Reflection:
List 2 direct quotes from our textbook, compiled chapters or professor video lectures that you feel the most useful in guiding you understand aging, the senior living industry, and its management and operation.
Tell us how you understand these quotes, and how these quotes can help you in your professional career in the senior living industry or personal life of taking care of yourself or aging family members.
Again, I suggest you to follow the three-step approach to make a full reflection point: First directly provide the direct quotes using quotation marks.  Then use your own language to describe how you understand these quotes. Lastly, Elaborate why these quotes stand out to you, and how can you use them to guide you in pursuing a professional career in the senior living industry/hospitality and tourism industry or taking care of yourself or aging family members in personal life.
Evaluation Criteria:
Each of your discussion point is evaluated based on the degree of:
Comprehensiveness (address all aspects of the discussion point as instructed. For example, use the three step approach to address each discussion point)
Relevancy (discussion is related to the concepts and principles we learned in this class rather than general common sense)
Supportive details (discussion is fully elaborated using details from the movie, lectures, and personal experience/knowledge). 
Organization ( discussion is structured using the required subtitles. The flow of the discussion is easy to follow)
Originality (plagiarism is prohibited at UCF, and you must not copy any answers from other students. For direct quote, please use quotation marks to indicate these are other people’s words) 


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