Explain what you think the wife of Bath is trying to tell the reader about power


Explain what you think the wife of Bath is trying to tell the reader about power and gender roles. In other words, when and how do men have power in the tale? When and how do women have power in the tale? What gives each that power and is it the same for both genders? Is it a right, luxury, a curse, or all? Use specific examples from the prologue/tale to support your reasoning. I will attach prologue below in files. Make sure when writing quote correctly and use parentheses here is example “Chaucer line ????-????”. As a person in modern times, do you see gender types the same or different? What do you feel Chaucer has in common with people today? Or has our world changed so much we don’t recognize specific gender roles? How would he (Chaucer) be received if the tales were told today? Now, my opinion on this yours maybe different but I am religious and I do believe in the Bible I believe what God wants us to be with what we are born to be boy or girl if that’s what teacher means by gender types same or different. Could be reading into it wrong but that is my opinion and teacher knows that I am religious. Do I think women can do somethings a man can do working absolutely Just like men can do some things women can do work wise. That is the only citing you will need for this that’s in attachments is the prologue/tale line numbers. Teacher did say if we wanted to make creative so if you find a picture and would like to add it to the essay you can as long as you cite it correctly where you found the picture who painted, drew, put it on there of name and page number of the picture. VERY STRICT ON CITING everything else should be in your own words and direct to the point. NO AI generated, NO PLAGIARISM or Snapchat AI when they run it in system to check automatic ZERO if any findings. I am so close to graduating I do not need a bad grade to keep me from passing. Make sure to HIT EVERY POINT that it is asking in the paper. Below of attachments are prologue/tale
YouTube video picture to watch
If you need me please message me I will get back with you as soon as I can. Thank you for taking my order.


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