When writing this essay, you will be reflecting on the community in which you li


When writing this essay, you will be reflecting on the community in which you live. Review the posted material, and watch the YouTube Video. Think back to health indicators for communities from your healthy community vision, as you work on this reflective paper. Each main section should be approximately 2 to 2.5 pages with each given equal weight. Stay within the page limits for content plus title and reference pages. There will be some need for sources that are posted in the module. The only other resource needed should be that of the program in your community that is used to answer Part III. Opening Paragraph: Include a short paragraph of three or four sentences introducing the reader to the paper. Set the theme and what will be following. Part I: Health of the Community
How does the community rank in the County Health Rankings? Provide details. Reflect on the health of your community by comparing and contrasting findings (a) with four indicators of a healthy community from your vision in week 5? (I attached my presentation to see my community vision).
Part II: Health Promotion/Prevention Models
Reflect on concepts from Pender’s health promotion model when explaining the health attitudes and beliefs of those living in your community? This should be detailed and specific to the community in which you live. Reflect on how the use of one of the other three health promotion/prevention models posted this week may help to improve the health of your community? Be detailed and use the concepts from the model you choose. Do not explain the model, use the model. Part III: Health Promotion/Prevention Programs
Describe one program that exists in your community that may increase the health of the community members. This should be a program specific to your community not a national or state wide initiative. Include:
The purpose of the program
The population it serves
Things included in the program
Availability, affordability, and accessibility
Reflecting on the program, how do you feel it is changing the overall health of those in your community? Provide a rationale & perhaps data to support your thoughts. Closing Paragraph: Tie the paper together with a conclusion that links all areas together. Three or four sentences. For part 3 the program I suggest is preventive screening for females in my community specially ones who comes newly to the country. Purpose: early prevention and screening purposes to detect/treat any disease. Population it serves: females from 18 years till menopause. Things included: mammogram referral and book appt, pap referral and book appt, education about breast cancer and self breast exam, std testing, std education, birth controls …etc Availability, affordability, and accessibility: to all females with and without ins in collaboration with another social worker, free clinics, and organizations to provide the service. (I provided the ideas for you; please put them together and expand them to make them look better). APA required in all areas of the paper, include a title page and reference page. References will come from sources in the module. No other references needed. A maximum of 2 outside sources may be included. See an APA Manual or posted resource for APA to complete correctly. Grading will be based on the APA Manual. 7th edition.
Resources for the Reflective Paper:

I attached the rubric as well.


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