Submit 3 files: the .c file, MIPS .asm file and a report in .doc, .docx or .pdf


Submit 3 files: the .c file, MIPS .asm file and a report in .doc, .docx or .pdf format including a description of your project, progress to date, screenshots of operation, and your current C and MIPS source code MUST be pasted into the end of the report.
Some part of the MIPS assembly code is required for this submission and you should be testing it, but it does not have to be working yet.
Submit the initial, simplified version of your project report with screenshots showing the results and project code written in C here. Your main() function should compile and execute without errors, even if it isn’t completely functional. The initial version will be the skeleton of code to be filled in later.
It must include the basic structure of your final project, written in C with comments and stub code (empty, like prototype functions) that define arguments and return values. I/O and other features that are not complete can be faked by using scanf/printf, initialized variables, strings, arrays, etc.
This code should become the high level definition and pseudocode for your final project MIPS assembly code. By the time you complete the first version of the MIPS code, it should embody the basic logic and algorithms used in this version of your C code.


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