Identify and explain three primary agents of political socialization, and explai


Identify and explain three primary agents of political socialization, and explain their importance. Next, identify and explain three secondary agents of political socialization. Do you think a person’s political opinion can change over time? Explain. Define political ideology and briefly define the following terms: libertarian, classical liberal, modern liberal, traditional conservative, modern conservative, socialism, communism, and fascism. Several factors play a role in a person’s interest and participation in government. List and explain three of these factors and how they contribute to/detract from participation. Why is it important for citizens to participate in the political process? Describe some of the problems surrounding public opinion polls. How does public opinion influence public policy? Explain the electoral college. Can an election in the electoral college differ from the population’s election? Describe today’s political campaigns. Include the shadow campaign, primary campaigns, and general election campaigns. During the 1800s various political parties in the United States rose, evolved, and died. Today the two major parties reflect differing ideologies. Summarize the ideology each party promotes and the segments of society and the economy that each attracts. Discuss the various elements in the election process from announcing candidacy to election. Money is a crucial component of any presidential campaign. Where do campaign funds come from? Discuss the importance of direct democracy. List some examples of this process.


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