This is part 1 of 3 of a research paper, I will be assigning Part 2 & 3 as we go


This is part 1 of 3 of a research paper, I will be assigning Part 2 & 3 as we go. I want all parts written by the same writer. I don’t have a preference on the PICOT questions just follow the guidelines.
EBP Guidelines Part I: 4 pages not including title page and references
Content of this section should include:
• Title page
• Identify a clinical problem that you see in your practice.
Develop a PICOT question that will serve to initiate an EBP research topic.
• Description of the research topic and background information
• Purpose of the EBP project
• Significance of the topic to nursing practice
• Reference list (If needed)
Grading Rubric PART I: PICO(S) Question
Criteria Weight Rating* Points Earned/Comments
Description of the research topic and background information
10 Purpose of the EBP project
5 PICO Question Clearly stated
guiding the project
10 Significance of the topic to nursing practice
5 APA Format (title page, citations, reference page) 5 Writing mechanics – appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity and professional style of writing. Appropriate page length. 5 Total points _____/40
*Rating: 5 – Complete, well-developed, successfully accomplished.
4 – Mostly accomplished, with minimal errors.
3 – Somewhat accomplished, with substantial errors.
2 – Attempted, lacks depth or clarity, substantial errors present.
0 – Not attempted.


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