Applying the Structure to Survey Questions (Your Final Deliverable): 1. Usage Fr


Applying the Structure to Survey Questions (Your Final Deliverable):
1. Usage Frequency
Task: Create a slide that shows how often respondents use their wireless speakers.
Title: “Daily Use of Wireless Speakers Indicates High Engagement”
Graph/Chart: Bar chart showing frequency of use (Daily, Several times a week, etc.)
Insight Explanation: Note the percentage of daily users and what it implies about engagement.
Caption: Briefly describe the main takeaway from the chart.
2. Audio Quality
Task: Create a slide about the audio quality ratings of wireless speakers.
Title: “High Ratings for Audio Quality Reflect Consumer Satisfaction”
Graph/Chart: Pie chart showing ratings (Excellent, Good, etc.)
Insight Explanation: Highlight the positive ratings and what they suggest.
Caption: Summarize the key finding from the chart.
3. Important Features
Task: Create a slide ranking the most important features in a wireless speaker.
Title: “Sound Quality and Battery Life are Top Priorities”
Graph/Chart: Bar chart or ranked list of features.
Insight Explanation: Explain why these features are prioritized by consumers.
Caption: Briefly describe the chart’s key points.
4. Preferred Brands
Task: Create a slide showing brand preferences.
Title: “Brand Loyalty is Strong Among Consumers”
Graph/Chart: Bar chart showing brand preferences.
Insight Explanation: Discuss the popularity of specific brands.
Caption: Summarize the key finding from the chart.
5. Purchase Motivation
Task: Create a slide on factors influencing purchase decisions.
Title: “Recommendations and Reviews Drive Purchase Decisions”
Graph/Chart: Likert scale chart.
Insight Explanation: Highlight the importance of recommendations and reviews.
Caption: Briefly describe the chart’s key points.
6. Overall Satisfaction
Task: Create a slide on overall satisfaction.
Title: “High Satisfaction Levels Among Wireless Speaker Users”
Graph/Chart: Pie chart showing satisfaction levels.
Insight Explanation: Discuss the high satisfaction levels.
Caption: Summarize the key finding from the chart.
7. Improvement Suggestions
Task: Create a slide summarizing improvement suggestions.
Title: “Consumers Seek Enhanced Features and Performance”
Graph/Chart: Word cloud or bar chart of suggestions.
Insight Explanation: Highlight common themes in the suggestions.
Caption: Briefly describe the main takeaway from the suggestions.


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