Scenario Instructions You are an Integrative Animal Biology major who is working


Scenario Instructions
You are an Integrative Animal Biology major who is working in a lab where you have to process all of the materials that we have received.
Decode a UPC code from a large animal sling and print its various parts. A UPC code consists of a 1-digit number, a 5-digit manufacturer’s code, a 5-digit product code, and a single check digit. Part 1: Your assignment is to take a UPC code, divide it up into its four parts, then print them out in separate fields on a single line. Use this UPC code:
Note: the program has to work for ANY UPC code in this format…
Part 2: Assume that this item costs $275.15. I would like to buy 12 of them. On a single line print out quantity to purchase, unit cost, and total cost (7 digits, 2 digits of precision, with commas separating thousands)


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