Many of you took the SAT exam before college. Let’s review the latest national (


Many of you took the SAT exam before college. Let’s review the latest national (U.S.) data reported by the College Board on SAT results, as posted here:
Complete this HW in EXCEL and submit an excel document. What are the mean and SD for: Overall (Total) SAT score, ERW and Math? Do these scores follow a normal curve? How do you know? Using a normal curve table, what percentage of students have a Z score a.) below 1.5, b.) above 1.5, c.) above 2.10, d.) below 2.10, e.) below -1.5, f.) above .45, g.) below -1.78? What is the SAT score if a student had a z score of a.) .45, b.) 1.5, c.) 2.10, d.) -1.5, e.) -1.78
What SAT score is needed to be in the a.) top 10%? b.) top 25%? c.) top 50%? Review the differences by gender, first language learned, and parental highest education (page 3 & 6). Please write up a brief description of the pattern of results for each table.


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