Argument, Essay #1 ——————————————— Discussion board: search outline for argument


Argument, Essay #1
Discussion board: search outline for argument, essay #1
THESIS STATEMENT: Congressman Darin LaHood must propose a law banning the sale of e-cigarettes in the U.S.
Topic sentence #1: One reason is that e-cigarettes often serve as a gateway to more dangerous substances.
Topic sentence #2: The next reason is a ban would reduce vaping-related health risks.
Topic sentence #3: The most important reason is that fewer people will die.
Submit Detailed outline of argument, essay#1
•To be ready to submit a DETAILED OUTLINE of your Argument Essay #1
1-read the instructions for this assignment.
2-use the detailed outline form or create your own in Google Docs.
3•type in your:
* thesis statement
* 3 topic sentences
* 2-3 strong one-sentence quotes under each of your topic sentences; don’t forget that you need a minimum of 3 sources (articles) and one must be from the ICC database (click here)
* a correct in-text citation after each quote •after a page break, a correct works cited page
* recheck formatting and be sure to use your own name and change the date on the detailed outline form
* don’t worry about a title just yet; leave it untitled for now
* Submit your rough draft as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format ONLY.
‎‏Essay Structure
‎‏Exactly five paragraphs long : introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
This is a straightforward argument; please do not present the opposing view and counter-argue.
Start your essay with an INTRODUCTION paragraph. Write a strong thesis statement that takes a stand and put it at the end of your introduction for emphasis.
* Write 3 BODY PARAGRAPHS. Each body paragraph should start out with topic sentence which lists one clear reason. Start each topic sentence with an argument transition. (Example: one reason is, another reason is, the most important reason is, etc.).
* After each topic sentence, set up and explain 2 or 3 short quotes from a source or sources. We will be using “secondary sources.” You can directly quote or paraphrase, but remember to use a correct in-text citation so you don’t accidentally plagiarize.
* End each body paragraph on a closing sentence which restates part of the topic sentence. A good closing sentence is longer than the topic sentence.
* Use a minimum of 3 different SOURCES (articles) for this assignment. One will need to be from the ICC library database (click here). Do not use Wikipedia,, pro/, or other weak sources
* End your essay on a CONCLUSION paragraph which repeats part of your thesis statement, summarizes all of your body paragraphs, and adds a deeper insight so your reader knows how important your topic is.
* On the next page, create a WORKS CITED PAGE listing the 3 (or more) sources where you got your quotes. Do not list any sources you read, but did not use in your essay.
* See the additional posts and VIDEOS. These will help you write a strong thesis statement, find and use quotes from reliable sources, cite your sources properly in-text and in a works cited page, and properly set up an MLA style document.
Length: Minimum of 1,400 words. Maximum of 2,000 words. Double-spaced pages using MLA formatting. No cover sheet.
Submit your ROUGH DRAFT as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format ONLY.


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