First, respond to the following questions in about 25-50 words each. Do not simp


First, respond to the following questions in about 25-50 words each. Do not simply list “abortions” as a negative impact, give the reasons why.
What was the One Child Policy in China? Be specific and give details.
What are two negative impacts of the One Child Policy in China? Explain.
Negative Impact: Negative Impact: What was one positive impact of the One Child Policy in China (besides reducing overpopulation)? Explain.
Positive Impact:
Then, read the following film reviews.
What a Picture of China’s One-Child Policy Leaves Out
Finally, write up a 500-word summary and analysis of the policy. Compare and contrast the documentary (One Child NationLinks to an external site.) with the reviews. Consider the biased nature of the documentary and compare the critical review of the film from the perspective of a pro-One-Child Policy. Re-evaluate the costs and benefits of pro-natalist (Do it for DenmarkLinks to an external site.) and anti-natalist policies like China’s One Child Policy ( to an external site.). Cite the readings, video, and documentary.
outsourses not allowed


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