No AI or plagiarism! I will report! Assignment Prompt: Readings: Primary: Kalev


No AI or plagiarism! I will report!
Assignment Prompt:
Primary: Kalev Leetaru
Supporting Reading& Source (optional): Sarah J. Jackson
In “How Data and Information Literacy Could End Fake News,” Kalev Leetaru argues that “at its core, the rise of ‘fake news’ is first and foremost a sign that we have failed as a society to teach our citizens how to think critically about data and information.” In the current moment, fact checking is simultaneously more complex and more pressing than it has ever been before. This is a multi-step assignment that asks you to investigate this issue further in order to consider solutions to the problems Leetaru addresses. In “Twitter Made Us Better,” Jackson argues that Twitter has enhanced public discourse by providing a platform for diverse voices that were previously marginalized or unheard in mainstream media. The platform allows individuals to share their experiences, perspectives, and expertise directly with a wide audience. Jackson acknowledges the positive aspects of Twitter, while also recognizing the platform’s challenges, such as the spread of misinformation, harassment, and the potential for echo chambers. How can Jackson as one of your three sources aid you in constructing a different argument or further support for your argument about Leetaru? Leetaru’s piece was published in 2016, how does social media fit into Leetaru’s argument now, given how popular other apps, social media platforms, etc. have grown within the last few years? What would social media literacy look like and how does this relate to Leetaru’s argument and concern.,
Read your selected article and identify their argument and its implications for information literacy: what are this source’s greatest concerns, and how do they relate to Leetaru’s concerns? What does this author see as the most pressing problem or risk associated with information literacy and/or “fake news”, and what solutions do they offer? Step 3:
Write an essay in which you argue for the most pressing thing we need to do as a society to address a lack of information literacy, using Leetaru’s article and your selected source(s) for support. Your thesis statement will make an argument about what the problem is and what you think we should or could do about it. In the body of your essay, you will develop your argument with supporting claims and evidence from the assigned reading and your outside sources. Note: this doesn’t mean you have to fully agree with either of your sources; in fact, you will have more luck in creating your own nuanced argument if you find wiggle room or disagreement within a position you mostly agree with (or, alternatively, find wiggle room or agreement with a position you mostly oppose). Questions for Exploration:
Why is information literacy so complicated? Why is information literacy so complex? How should information literacy be addressed in schools? If so, what responsibilities do the providers, creators and consumers of information and media have in this issue? about those who are already out of school? Is information literacy a local, national, or global issue? How does information literacy affect global, national, and local issues? *These questions should help you generate ideas for your Essay 2.
Assignment and Formatting Requirements:
Write in a space that saves as you draft and go. If you transfer that text over to Achieve, be sure to use the Achieve toolbar to fix any errors that may have been caused by inputting your text into Achieve. If the format cannot be fixed due to this issue, please just put this in bold at the end of your Works Cited page. Your essay should be approximately 4-5 full pages in length (around 1125-1300 words).
Your Essay should include a title, something other than “Argument Essay” or “Essay 2”.
Include your name, my name (Instructor Blankman), class, and date in the upper left corner of the 1st page.
Format your essay according to MLA guidelines (see Documenting Sources: MLA Style in Achieve). Double space, 12 point font, Times New Roman font.
Include a Works Cited page listing all sources you used or consulted. You should have 3-4 sources total for this assignment and its Works Cited page. No more than four sources for a paper of this scope


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