Directions So far in this course we have covered a variety of dimensions of cult


Directions So far in this course we have covered a variety of dimensions of culture and climate in organizations and examined how they relate to the employee experience within the workplace. For this assessment, you will create a flyer through a website known as Piktochart. Imagine that this flyer is meant to be distributed in a workplace setting to inform employees about the factors that can affect them in the workplace. Your flyer should contain three important dimensions relevant to workplace culture and climate in a specific type of organization. It is important to choose a specific type of workplace before creating your flyer. This will help you focus on what dimensions to select for your flyer and will give you direction as you write about your selected dimensions. Think about culture and climate as a whole and what it means within a specific type of workplace. For example, you might consider how the selected dimensions would impact the employee experience (satisfaction, morale, etc.) within a daycare center, an office, a hospital, or other sort of work environment. Pick the kind of workplace you work in now or where you one day hope to be employed, The following two sections titled “Flyer Content” and “Creating Your Flyer” have more information on the content of your flyer and the steps for creating your flyer. To get information and ideas for your flyer, you may utilize the course lectures, the Internet, and/or the Bryant & Stratton College Virtual Library. Flyer Content As noted in the previous section, your flyer will detail important dimensions relevant to culture and climate in a specific type of workplace. The intended audience for your flyer will be the professionals who work within the organization of your choice. Think about where you are employed currently or hope to work one day. Perhaps your flyer would be meant for other teachers in a daycare, for nurses, doctors, and staff at a hospital, for fellow employees at an office, etc. It will be helpful to take some notes on what you want to include in your flyer before you begin. There are seven cultural dimensions noted in this week’s lecture. They are as follows: 1. Innovation 2. Aggressiveness 3. Outcome orientation 4. Stability 5. People orientation 6. Team orientation 7. Detail orientation Your flyer should feature three of the seven dimensions relevant to workplace culture and climate and apply them to a specific type of workplace. For each selected dimension, please do the following in your own words: • Provide a definition and a clear description of the dimension • Relate the dimension to the specific type of workplace you have chosen to focus on and explain how it would impact employees and their experience (satisfaction, morale, motivation, performance, etc.) in that workplace For example, if you choose to include the dimension of team orientation in your flyer, you would want to think about how having a workplace that is highly team-oriented impacts employees within the workplace. You would also want to consider how having a workplace that lacks team orientation (or that is low in this dimension) impacts employees. If you chose to focus on team orientation as one of your dimensions, you could try asking yourself the following questions as you complete your flyer: • How would I define team-oriented culture? o After you provide the definition, describe the dimension in more detail as a means of clarifying the information given in the definition.  For example, think about how a team-oriented culture (or a culture lacking team orientation) impacts the climate and environment within the workplace as a whole. • Explain how a team orientation relates to your selected workplace and how it impacts employee experience within your selected workplace. o Again, here you want to focus on the workplace you selected, whether it is a hospital, a daycare, an office building, etc. Try to detail how having a highly team oriented culture or a culture that lacks team orientation might impact someone in the chosen workplace. You can use the above questions and prompts to guide you through each of the three dimensions you decide to include in your flyer. As you create your flyer, your ideas and information need to be clearly detailed and explained. Some of your information can be conveyed through bullet points, so long as they provide adequate detail. Creating Your Flyer To create your flyer, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Piktochart website, using the following weblink: Piktochart. 2. Click on “sign up” in the top right corner or “start for free” towards the center of the screen. 3. You can then create a free account with your email address, Facebook profile, or Google account. You can choose whichever of these options you are most comfortable with. 4. Once your account is set up, you can access and utilize available templates for creating flyers. Pick the template that you find most appealing and eye-catching. o After your account is set up, you can also access the available flyer templates using the following weblink: Flyer Templates. 5. As you use your selected template, you will be able to type into and edit existing textboxes and images and add new images and textboxes as you need. 6. When your flyer is complete, click “download” towards the top right of the screen. This will allow you to save a PNG file which you can then upload to Blackboard for grading. 7. Towards the top right of the screen you will also see the option to save your flyer. If you ever need to return to continue working on the flyer you started and saved previously, you can use the following weblink when logged into Piktochart: Piktochart Dashboard. 8. As you work on your flyer, you will see an option for getting help towards the bottom right of the screen and a tour option towards the bottom left. Both of these links will answer many of the questions you might have as you create your flyer.


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