Objectives The purpose of the Educational Pamphlet Project activity is to: Demo


The purpose of the Educational Pamphlet Project activity is to:
Demonstrate understanding of nutritional education required for a specific client condition (CO 1 and CO 2)
Identify community resources available to clients based on a specific client condition (CO 6)
Create a written teaching plan that incorporates nutritional interventions identified for a specific client condition (CO 3)
Discuss nutritional interventions as they apply to the overall treatment plan of a specific client condition (CO 1)
Method of Evaluation  
Students are required to complete a Educational Pamphlet Project activity which is worth 10% of their overall grade.
This course includes an individual project that involves the development of an Educational Pamphlet Project to teach an individual about the appropriate nutritional intervention with the following conditions:
Supplement Use
Protein Malnutrition
Weight Loss
Weight Gain
Enhancement of Athletic Performance
Limited financials (below the poverty line)
The pamphlet should include (i) step by step instructions and/or details about the nutritional intervention for the selected condition, (ii) visual aids, (iii) informational websites, community resources, support groups and telephones numbers for a patient to obtain additional information and (iv) other information necessary to educate a patient. Students must also include a separate reference sheet indicating the sources where they obtained the information utilized for the project. Students will be required to present their pamphlet to the class (see course calendar for dates). Dates will be assigned by the course instructor. The pamphlet must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.
The rubric below will be utilized to grade the paper.
Education Pamphlet Project & PresentationEducation Pamphlet Project & PresentationCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Overview of Condition20 ptsSuperior• Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail for patient condition • Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the condition • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a critical, analytical and persuasive manner15 ptsSatisfactory• Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail patient condition • Demonstrates a general understanding of the condition • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a persuasive manner10 ptsPoor• Offers minimal level of detail patient condition • Demonstrates a limited understanding of the condition • Evaluates/responds to ideas with minimal analytics and with less persuasive arguments5 ptsUnsatisfactory• Offers minimal level of detail for patient condition and detail is off-topic and/or unfocused • Lacks understanding of the condition • Fails to present analytics and persuasive arguments0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Patient Teaching40 ptsSuperior• Provides substantive and relevant development of patient teaching ideas • Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail for patient teachings • Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the teaching strategies • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a critical, analytical and persuasive manner30 ptsSatisfactory• Provides some relevant development of patient teaching ideas • Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail for patient teachings • Demonstrates a general understanding of the teaching strategies • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a persuasive manner20 ptsPoor• Provides limited relevant development of patient teaching ideas • Offers minimal level of detail for patient teachings • Demonstrates a limited understanding of the teaching strategies • Evaluates/responds to patient teaching ideas with minimal analytics and with less persuasive arguments10 ptsUnsatisfactory• Provides no relevant development of patient teaching ideas • Offers minimal level of detail for patient teachings and detail is off-topic and/or unfocused • Lacks understanding of the teaching strategies • Fails to present analytics and persuasive arguments0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Community Resources and Assistances10 ptsSuperior• Identifies substantive and relevant community resources for patient/development of ideas8 ptsSatisfactory• Identifies relevant community resources for patient/development of ideas6 ptsPoor• Identifies a minimal number of relevant community resources for patient/development of ideas4 ptsUnsatisfactory• Fails to identify relevant community resources for patient/development of ideas0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization10 ptsSuperior• Creates a clearly identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion • Provides a sophisticated paragraph structure with each paragraph developing one central idea • Utilizes APA format8 ptsSatisfactory• Creates an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion • Provides a unified paragraph structure with most paragraphs developing one central idea • Utilizes APA format6 ptsPoor• Fails to develop a clear organizational structure • Demonstrates limited paragraph structure • Incorporates APA format haphazardly4 ptsUnsatisfactory• Fails to have organizational structure • Lacks unified paragraph structure • Lacks APA format0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage10 ptsSuperior• Incorporates sophisticated terminology • Avoids irrelevant and redundant words, phrases and other distracting information • Contains no spelling errors • Lacks errors in sentence boundaries such as fused sentences and sentence fragments • Uses paraphrase and quotes skillfully8 ptsSatisfactory• Utilizes appropriate terminology • Incorporates relevant words and phrases, but contains some distracting information • Contains limited spelling errors • Utilizes appropriate sentence structure in most instances (some fused sentences and fragments) • Limits paraphrase and quotes to an acceptable level6 ptsPoor• Utilizes inappropriate terminology in certain areas • Incorporates irrelevant words and phrases • Contains limited spelling errors • Utilizes inappropriate sentence structure (fused sentences and fragments) • Uses paraphrase and quotes in some instances without following APA (i.e., plagiarism)4 ptsUnsatisfactory• Utilizes inappropriate terminology • Presents distracting information throughout • Contains numerous spelling errors • Utilizes inappropriate sentence structure (fused sentences and fragments) • Uses paraphrase and quotes without following APA in numerous instances (i.e., plagiarism)0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation10 ptsSuperior• Presents information in a clear, logical, and effective manner8 ptsSatisfactory• Presents information in an effective manner6 ptsPoor• Presents information in a manner which results in some confusion4 ptsUnsatisfactory• Presents information in an ineffective manner with lots of confusion0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
Total Points: 100PreviousNext


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