This module explains how to bring any organization back to its normal work after


This module explains how to bring any organization back to its normal work after a
disaster or emergency incidents and it covers three chapters: Introduction and
Fundamentals of recovery, Designing and development and Activities and assignments.
Block Competencies:
By the end of this module, trainees will be able to:
1. Appraise & Report the Current and Future Health Disaster & Risk Challenges that
the system faces in all the various levels of healthcare system for effective
Block Main Objective:
• Understand concepts of recovery.
• Identify types and durations of recovery phase.
• Reviewing methods of using decision making and problem solving appropriately. Block Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, trainees should be able to:
2. Report unresolved threats to physical and mental health through the chain of
3. Synthesize and share information and data to inform decision-making across
public health emergency management organizational functions.
4. Use decision-making and problem-solving methods to develop solutions to
problems and to adjust systems accordingly required references Emergency Response and Recovery, 5th edition )2013(, Cabinet Office Briefing Room –
2. National Disaster Recovery Framework, Federal Emergency Management Agency – USA
3. Emergency Response and Recovery: chapter 5 Recovering form Emergencies (2010), Cabinet Office Briefing Room – UK
4. Strategic-planning-for-recovery (2017) National Emergency management Agency – New Zealand.
5. Disaster Recovery Framework Guide (2020), The World Bank.


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