Graduate Criminology: Term Paper Descriiption Model Outline: At minimum, a worki


Graduate Criminology: Term Paper Descriiption
Model Outline: At minimum, a working outline should include each of the subheadings identified
below., along with a preliminary list of 5 references you plan to use to write the paper. I recommend that
you think of this paper as having 3 distinct subsections (1) a descriiption of the theory/ theorist, (2) a
review of the research testing this theory, and (3) a discussion of the policy implications of the theory.
Section 1: Theory of crime causation (choose one theory (and theorist) to write about) from the
following list:
1. James Unnever and Shaun L. Gabbidon, Race, Racism, and Crime
2. Albert Cohen, and Robert Agnew, Classic and General Strain Theory
3. Cesare Beccaria, Classical Theory (Deterrence theory)
4. Ron Clarke, Rational Choice Theory
5. Albert Bandura, Ron Akers, and Edwin Sutherland, Social Learning Theory and Differential
Association Theory
6. Elijah Anderson and Marvin Wolfgang, Subcultural Theory
7. Adrian Raine and Jill Portnoy, Biosocial Theory
8. Lawrence Kohlberg, Cognitive Development Theory
9. Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, Self-Control Theory
10. Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, classic Social Disorganization Theory
11. Robert Sampson and William Julius Wilson, revised Social Disorganization Theory
12. Terrie Moffitt, Developmental Theory
13. John Laub and Robert Sampson, Life-Course Theory
14. Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson, Routine Activities Theory
15. James Q. Wilson and George Kelling, Broken Windows Theory
16. Richard Quinney and Karl Marx, Conflict Theory
17. Avshalom Caspi, Criminal Personality Theory
18. Lawrence Sherman, Defiance Theory
19. Edwin Lemert, Labelling Theory
20. John Braithwaite, Reintegrative Shaming
A. Theory and theorist descriiption: What are the key points of the theory that you selected? Who
developed theory? (note: choose only one theorist here) When was the theory developed? Why
did the theorist develop this theory of crime causation?
B. Theory origin and context (social, political): What was going on at the time this theory was
developed? Did these events help shape the theory?
C. Theory application to various types of crime: Is the theory you chose a general theory of
crime causation (e.g. Sutherland’s theory of Differential Association), a middle range theory (e.g.
A theory applied only to a specific group, such as juveniles, e.g. Cohen’s strain theory), or a
crime-specific theory (e.g. homicide—southern violence hypothesis)?
Section 2: A Review of the Evidence
D. Has the theory been evaluated? If so, how, when, where, and by whom? To conduct your
review, you will need to identify and summarize the results of research studies that have tested
the theory under review.
NOTE: I have provided a Resource Folder, which includes several review articles for each of
the theories we cover in class. I expect you to utilize this resource folder when writing your term
paper. I have included ALL the major research studies and reviews (meta-analyses) for each of
the major theories we cover in this class. This Resource Folder will include most of the research
you will need to review to write your paper. However, I also recommend that you also do a quick
review of the major criminology journals, which include Criminology, Annals of Criminology,
Criminology and Public Policy, and Justice Quarterly.
NOTE: You will find a tutorial on how to access UML’s online library in the week 2 folder. You
will have free access to journals in the UML library. If there is an article you cannot find at UMl,
contact me and I will get it for you.
E. What does the research reveal? I require the inclusion of table summarizing the key findings
from your research review in a table with the following headings: Study author (year of
publication); study sample size; research design type; key study findings (link between
independent and dependent variables, e.g., unemployment and crime). I will provide examples of
the review table format in the weekly content folders, and in our Resource Folder. This is a
required element and needs to be included in your final paper; it is not needed for your outline
F. What are the strengths and limitations of the theory? Does the theory need to be revised? Is
more research needed?
Section 3: Policy Implications
A. According to the theory, how do we solve the crime problem? (note: for ideas, look at my
weekly lectures, our text, the articles on your theory in our Resource Folder, and the journal,
Criminology and Public Policy)
B. Have we tried to solve crime based on this theory? Here are a few examples: mandatory
sentencing and deterrence theory; war on poverty and strain theory; diversion, decriminalization,
deinstitutionalization, and labelling theory; culture change and subcultural theory; community
organization and social disorganization theory.
C. What have we learned from these efforts? For example, what impact did the war on poverty
have on crime? What about our war on drugs?
Term paper details: Your term paper should be between 4,500- 5,000 words, which is typically about 15
pages of text (not including your references page and any tables you include, such as the research
summary table, which is required), using standard ½ inch margins, 12 font, and double-spaced. Use
subheadings throughout based on the above outline, and cite all sources using APA format. If you are
unsure how to cite and reference using APA format, go to the following resource:
References: At minimum, be sure to review the following journals to see if they include articles (2000-
present) in your subject area: Criminology, Annals of Criminology, Criminology and Public Policy,
Justice Quarterly. There are many other journals where you will find articles on your term paper subject,
including my journal, Victims & Offenders (I am the editor). In addition, I would look at our text and see
who these authors are citing in their reviews. When writing about a specific theory, be sure to cite the
author of the theory directly; the author is a primary source. Do NOT rely on someone else’s summary of
the theory (such as the editors of our text); this is a secondary source and should be used for background
Last– but not least: be sure to review and use the materials I provide for you in our course Resource
Folder, which is included in the Start Here Folder. As I noted earlier, I have included what I think are
the best research articles out there covering EVERY major theory of crime causation. I did this to make
your job easier. We all have enough to worry about these days….
Initial outline: A 2-3 page working outline is required, along with an initial listing of five major
references from leading journals; many of the articles you need are found in our Resource Folder. The
outline should follow my model outline with 3 major subheadings and be detailed enough to allow me to
follow the logic of the paper. Be sure to identify only one theory and one theorist. My recommendation is
to simply use the model outline I have provided and fill in the information needed for each section of the
outline. It is due at the end of Week 3, Sunday, September 22


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