Design a simple relational database for Amazon with at least three tables (refer


Design a simple relational database for Amazon with at least three tables (refer to slides 17, 18, and 20).
Answer the following questions for your design:
a. What might a data set look like given your database after denormalization? (refer to slide 20, the pet example. Include at least one observation/row of data. You may use makeup/fake data.)
b. What questions might be answered with this (denormalized) data? You may assume the data set is big.
c. Are there any privacy/security issues related to your (denormalized) design? How would you protect against these issues?
Pick and define 5 key terms from the given list below. Use at least 30 words for each definition.
data mining, database, data warehouse, operational data, organization data, OLTP, OLAP, denormalization, CRISP-DM, out-of-sync data


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