The selected leader is Steve Jobs. You only need to do the introduction ( Part


The selected leader is Steve Jobs.
You only need to do the introduction ( Part 1) and the conclusion (Part 4). 3 pages for the introduction and 3 pages for the conclusion. Each page needs at least one reference ( peer review).
Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories explored in this course.
Follow this outline: PART 1: INTRODUCTION
Open your essay with an introduction section describing the selected leader. Summarize the leadership theory that you will be addressing. PART 2: LITERATURE REVIEW
Define leadership.
Explore and discuss the traits, behaviors, and relationships found in successful leaders.
Identify and discuss the six leadership theories.
Identify and discuss three specific leadership skills, three specific leadership behaviors and three specific leadership traits of this leader. Examine and discuss the single leadership skill, leadership behavior and leadership trait that you think best explains the success of this leader. Apply this leader’s approach or style to one of the six leadership theories discussed in this course. Explain why this leadership style or approach has been successful for this leader and make logical arguments supporting your case. PART 4: CONCLUSION:
Summarize the key findings in the Leadership Analysis What critical take-aways would you like to incorporate into your leadership style?
ASSIGNMENT DETAILS: As individuals prepare the project, please attend to the following additional guidelines:
Prepare your report in APA7 format.
Paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 12-15 pages. (Page count does not include title page or reference list.)
Cite all work referenced and include a reference page.
Proofread the document carefully before submission


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