Please respond to discussion below using current APA edition and 2 scholarly ref


Please respond to discussion below using current APA edition and 2 scholarly references. Must be 150 words. This week has been fantastic in clinical. I gain confidence with each passing occasion. I possess the capability to administer physical assessments while also consulting with parents and select adolescents via questioning. A mother brought in her 5-month-old son this week due to a rash that had developed on his chest, cheekbones, and around his mouth. Upon evaluating the rash, I observed small, irritated red bumps around the mouth, on both cheekbones, in the folds of the neck, and on the chest region of the infant. She confirmed that her infant had been salivating excessively since I inquired about this. Over the past three weeks, she has observed that the infant’s mucous production has increased. They hypothesized that the infant might be undergoing dentition. Although the infant’s dent is not yet visible, I observed him inserting his hand into his mouth as a calming maneuver. My preceptor and I discussed my viewpoint, and she concurred that I was indeed accurate. This bolstered my confidence in the knowledge that I have been acquiring over the past few weeks.
I advised the mother that the rash was due to drool. According to Silva (2018), drooling, also known as sialorrhea, is common in healthy infants. It often stops when they are around 15 to 18 monthsLinks to an external site. old. I provided the mother with information regarding strategies to assist in the management of the saliva and rash. I imparted knowledge to her regarding the significance of maintaining clean and dry surfaces as soon as she became aware that the infant was dribbling. A barrier ointment, such as Aquaphor, may be utilized to aid in skin protection. If the infant’s shirt becomes damp due to saliva, it is critical to promptly change him and dry the affected area in order to avert the development of a rash. If this continues to be an issue, preventing drool from accumulating on their torso can be achieved by employing waterproof bibs. In addition to preventing skin irritation, patting the infant’s face with a moist cloth after feedings while damp with water can help to clear their face. Additionally, verify that she is utilizing unscented soaps and moisturizers so as not to worsen the rash and skin. According to Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr, Blosser, & Garzon (2017), drooling can be due to teething but primarily occurs because of salivary gland maturation. The infant gradually develops the ability to swallow excessive saliva. We examined some teething toys that she might be able to acquire for the infant’s assistance during this dreadful period.
While salivating is a normal bodily response, it is critical to maintain clean and drool-free skin to prevent irritation to individuals with sensitive skin. By adhering to basic preventive measures, such as consistently removing any visible drool and maintaining dry skin for the neonate, it is possible to avert the recurrence of this rash. It is essential to teach the parents that even though excessive drooling is normal, they must monitor for any other convers such as fever, unusual irritability, difficulty breathing or swallowing, refusing to eat, or holding his head in a strange position (Silva, 2018). A reassessment of the rash should be scheduled if the parent observes that it is worsening.


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