Essay 1:  Summary and Comparative Analysis   Description: 4-5 pages, plus an MLA


Essay 1:  Summary and Comparative Analysis   Description: 4-5 pages, plus an MLA-formatted Works Cited page Sources: Samuel’s “Introduction,” The American Dream, and Coontz’s “What We Really Miss About the 1950s”. Total Points: 150 Due Date: 2/18 by 11:59 PM   The Assignment Write a comparative analysis of Samuel’s “Introduction,” The American Dream, and Coontz’s “What We Really Miss About the 1950s”.   Your analysis will support an insightful claim about the relationship between the two essays. How are they similar, how are they different, and why might this matter?   This relationship can focus on how the different authors use rhetorical appeals or other strategies to influence their audience. It can also focus on the content of their arguments about what the American Dream is, why this dream matters, and access to the dream. Rely on concrete details from the texts in your analysis to establish the significance (the “So What?”) of this relationship.   Strategies * Build on your work from SA1 & SA2, consider the language, audience, and structure of each text. You may use and expand upon material from earlier assignments to provide a basis for this essay. * Use your “Tools for Textual Analysis” (Canvas) to identify key textual elements, “Notice and Focus” to identify interesting similarities or differences, and “The Method” to identify patterns of repetition and contrast. These skills should help you see a relationship between the texts that is not immediately obvious. (Be sure to review “Comparison/Contrast” and our “Tools for Textual Analysis” as you think through this relationship.) * Craft an introductory paragraph that introduces the reader to the texts. Then, formulate a claim about the particular relationship you would like to show your audience. * Your claim should be analytical rather than a tally of obvious similarities and differences. Remember that an effective comparison integrates both texts throughout, analyzing each in relation to the other. * Build body paragraphs that support this thesis statement and move from evidence to analysis, showing how the details of the texts support your central claim. * Use the MEAL plan for body paragraphs * Use “So What?” to push your analysis and argument further, particularly in the conclusion. Don’t just tell your reader what the insightful relationship is that you’ve analyzed; tell them why it matters to their understanding of these texts. Consider the rhetorical situation you are writing in to appeal effectively to your audience.   Criteria for Evaluation 1. Does the thesis make an insightful claim about the relationship between the texts? 2. Does the Essay offer a balance of evidence and analysis to support its thesis? 3. Does the Essay remain independent and objective by paraphrasing the authors’ words accurately, using appropriate direct quotations, and avoiding judgment or personal anecdotes? 4. Does the Essay exhibit clarity and coherence? Do its ideas progress logically through the use of transitions, attributive tags, and appropriate word choice? Does it adhere to MLA format and citation standards and contain few, if any, grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors? Outline is also needed. Using the Template- complete the Intro Paragraph, Thesis statement, Main body points, Evidence and Works Cited page. Make sure all quotes and paraphrases used as evidence have the author’s last name and the page number. Make sure both Coontz and Samuel are on the Works Cited page. Use this template that was given to you in class. This outline will serve as the basis for your rough draft. It should NOT have fully developed sentences anywhere but the intro, because it is an outline NOT a draft. 1. Introduction- Remove the numbering so that you have a complete paragraph A. Introduce the topic of your analysis, including: 1. An attention-grabbing opening sentence or two 2. Introduction of your Topic (The American Dream) 3. A brief summary of your sources (approximately 2-5 sentences) that is integral to the development of your comparative analysis, and 4. A clear and analytical thesis statement at the very end of the paragraph (1-2 sentences). End with a thesis statement that describes your analysis of the topic and your overall argument. A formula: Focused Topic + your assertion + why it matters Body (as many paragraphs as you need) Follow the claim, evidence, and warrant structure for each body paragraph and then have a transition sentence linking each paragraph. (The MEAL Plan) Think of reasons why your thesis is true. Each one of these reasons becomes the main point of a body paragraph. Each paragraph should have only one main point to prove but should have varied and diverse evidence. When you develop this into a paragraph each piece of evidence should be followed by at least one sentence that explains to the reader how and why the evidence supports the claim- this is your analysis. You should also seek to evolve that analysis as you grow your essay. Il Main Point One (Key phrases only- no complete sentences) A) Evidence “Note that evidence should not be entire sentences just the relevant bit 5-7 words is a good length” (Author #) B) Evidence (#) C) Evidence (#) Ill Main Point Two A) Evidence (#) B) Evidence (#) C) Evidence (#) IV Main Point Three A) Evidence (#) B) Evidence (#) C) Evidence (#) V. (Include as many analysis paragraphs as needed) Done 口 Works Cited Last Name, First Name. “Use Purdue Owl to Check Formatting.


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