Step 1: Make one “Unreasonable Requests”. These requests only have to be unreaso


Step 1: Make one “Unreasonable Requests”. These requests only have to be unreasonable to you. Step 2: Complete your Unreasonable Requests Paper. Paper should be written in Question/Answer format and not exceed 1 pages single spaced. This paper should incorporate your understanding of the course readings/lectures to date. How did you identify and manage the power differential (perceived or actual) in your unreasonable requests? What indirect or direct power blocks did you encounter? What were the outcomes of your requests and how did you react to those outcomes? How does the process of making unreasonable requests relate to empowerment? 2 page APA paper. I have selected the unreasonable request (see below) ( feel free to add your own points, i just provided some basic information, please use the following PDF as a reference on this assignment. specifically chapters : 2,4,5,3,9 and13 PDF book: Unreasonable request: I asked my direct supervisor if i could work remotely from Puerto Rico for 1 month. I am a case manager at a shelter for at risk youth and a lot of my work is done on the computer and only have to meet with my clients once a week but it could be video call so i thought this was the perfect Unreasonable request as i recently had a friend work remotely in another country and i thought “wow i wish i could do that”. outcome : When i asked my manager she appeared nervous, a bit uncomfortable with the question, I was also uncomfortable asking the question, i felt vulnerable asking as i felt like i knew the answer was no and she had the final decision I was worried that she would think I’m not dedicated to my job or that i was trying to take advantage of the company. I had also just received a raise . I was hopeful that she would say yes but i knew deep down that the answer was no. She asked me what the reason for working remote was, asked if i wanted to submit PTO, FMLA, Unpaid Time off, When i told her that it was just traveling for the experience she appeared even more uncomfortable with me asking the question, almost seemed annoyed , I presented all the information to her on how i would work the normal working hours, and would complete all my job duties in a timely manner and explained how the only difference was my location. She was very hesitant and kept asking follow up questions she ultimately said i could do 1 week of remote work, and that for the remaining time i would have to do PTO, STO, FMLA or some kind of time off request. She expressed how it was unfair to my work collogues, I was prepared for the answer to be a flat out No so i was very surprised when she negotiated the request. After she agreed I went home, booked a trip and now i am going to Puerto Rico in December for 1 week.


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