Read the first two FITTS, please use complete sentences, in your own words, get


Read the first two FITTS, please use complete sentences, in your own words, get to the point. NO plagiarism and NO AI Generated. They have a thing to put it through to see if it is. I will attach notes and what you have to read. Also, if it helps YouTube video is Introducing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. 12 mins and 07 seconds long. Subscriber is MasulloEnglish. For FITT 1:
1. The reader is introduced to King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Camelot, ect. What similarities do you in your own words observe between Beowulf and SGGK so far? What differences are evident? What does the demonstrate to the reader/what does it reveal about the Middle Ages?
2. Select a theme, a character, or an idea and react to it. Do you like it? Dislike it? Interesting? Why?
1. What is chivalry, and how does Gawain demonstrate it in the first two sections of the poem?
2. Identify at least two symbols from FITT II. Describe the symbols and what they represent. How are the symbols important to the story as a whole?
3. What are your reactions to the hosts that welcome Gawain into their castle? Can you trust the host? How would you feel in your opinion if you were Sir Gawain and why?
If you use quotes or directly from the poem. In the files I have sent, they have page numbers make sure you put the page number. Shouldn’t need any sources since it’s questions answering and your thinking on it.


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