The diagnostic essay is intended to assess your writing levels and help identify


The diagnostic essay is intended to assess your writing levels and help identify support services I can offer you throughout the course. Which items do you want to work on this semester in Composition I? Select from this list, or feel free to add your own ideas: thesis writing overall essay organization introduction and conclusion paragraphs paragraph development (support and elaboration) completing required readings and assignments on time understanding the differences between fiction and non-fiction writing understanding how to handle MLA-style citations and research grammar and punctuation (fragments, run-ons, commas, etc.), spelling Write a thesis-controlled essay (approximately 500 words) with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. In your essay, introduce yourself and describe your experience as a writer. Here are a few questions to getyou thinking about topics for your essay (only address the questions that are most relevant to your writing experience) What are your strengths and weaknesses in writing? My strengths will be reading material and understanding the problem. Good time management skills Strong work ethic and dedication to learning Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills Effective communication skills, both verbal and written Ability to work independently and in a team Strong organization and planning skills Adaptability and flexibility in learning new things and facing challenges Positive attitude towards learning My weakness is fear of failure and anxiety What specific objectives would you expect to accomplish in class? Expect to attend and engage with the class. · Expect to hear innovative ideas that do not match your own. · Expect to turn in all assigned work on time. · How do you normally approach your English writing assignments? Doing research and getting the right stools for your writing What is easy for you in writing? What poses a challenge for you in writing? The challenge can face writing for academic will be Conducting effective research that is crucial for academic writing. This involves finding relevant sources, evaluating their credibility, and integrating information coherently into the paper. Working in the nursing field i learned to develop critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information. Developing the ability to critically assess literature and integrate those insights into one’s own work comes easy to me. What has been your best writing experience so far? Give specific examples. This is my first college composition class. Do you prefer prompts and ideas to get started? yes Describe your typical writing process. Make sure I understand my assignment Do research on the paper Decide on a topic to write about Brainstorms ideas Decide on a topic to write about organized. Make an outline organized. Drafting Revising Editing and Proofreading Are you a procrastinator? Do you have trouble getting your work completed on time? No, I always try to meet my deadline


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