HRM/PA534: Human Capital Development In Public Administration Wk 4 – Summative A


HRM/PA534: Human Capital Development In Public Administration
Wk 4 – Summative Assessment: Employee Prioritization, Motivation, and Training [due Mon]
Exam Content
Managing personnel positions, employee motivation, and compensation within budgetary restraints are aspects of the human resource manager (HRM) role that are critical to the success or failure of an agency. This perspective is shared by the employees who work within governmental agencies and the public that they serve. Operating with the reality that the organization is only as good as those who work in it and leveraging any opportunity to provide a workplace setting that is rewarding, satisfying, and successful in its missions is paramount to the success of any public organization.
Consider the following scenario:
You are a human resource manager of an organization that is relocating its headquarters from Washington, D.C. to Kansas City, Missouri. As a result, you are required to ascertain how many of your employees are willing to relocate to Kansas City, or else remain in the D.C. area and seek employment with other groups. When you receive this data, you determine that you will need to manage an existing workforce whose morale has been challenged by this perceived disruption in their lives and careers. You will also need to manage the recruitment and onboarding of a significant number of new employees. Write an executive summary, not to exceed 2 pages in length, that outlines how you will approach the management of positions (prioritization), as well as training and motivation of all employees.
Create a video not to exceed 3 minutes in length where you explain this proposal to your senior leadership. Your video will be graded on its clarity and professionalism in conveying the solution to the situation. You can record the video using the video function on your mobile device or another appropriate application.
Cite any sources to support your assignment.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment—the executive summary as a Microsoft Word document and your video in MP4 format.


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